-Apparently, god really cares about where i place my dick and he is often in the need of money.
He's such a fussbudget.
in the most recent circuit assembly there was a lot about porn and warning against porn.
even warning against looking at swim wear adverts!
so i was wondering, is porn really such an issue in the wt?.
-Apparently, god really cares about where i place my dick and he is often in the need of money.
He's such a fussbudget.
i'm writing this tread for the people out there that are still looking for some kind of answers.
people who feel the void that any organized thought system can produce.
people who know there is more to this life than our daily routine which eventually will end, when we no longer exist.
paying for the sins of their church.
australians are becoming less religious so congregations are getting smaller.
that means there are fewer parishioners to contribute money.. ..."they're simply looking at the dollars they can reap from the sale of this wonderful old building and i simply don't feel that i should be spending my weekends keeping the view clear," mr thomas said.. ...the royal commission into child sexual abuse exposed widespread paedophilia within religion and concluded that its leaders were at times weak, ineffectual, and even complicit.. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-03-30/paying-for-the-sins-of-their-church/9586602.
I think we shall see a more serious situation develop for God's true organization over there in Australia. I see a lot of Kingdom Halls up for sale soon to raise the cash pay outs for recovery of thousands of victims.
consequences of living in a simulation[edit]some scholars speculate that the creators of our hypothetical simulation may have limited computing power; if so, after a certain point, the creators would have to deploy some sort of strategy to prevent simulations from themselves indefinitely creating high-fidelity simulations in unbounded regress.
I think this has some very interesting arguments.
i see there has already been discussion over lloyd’s new book how to leave the jehovah's witnesses.
this includes discussion around his personality, motives and financial gains.
i have written a foreword for this book, because it is an important topic that has not been covered in such a complete format before.
I think Lloyd's book was a good idea. With all the bad publicity that the Watchtower Corporation is getting and there is no sign that it will diminish any time soon a book on "How To Leave The Jehovah Witnesses" is a brilliant idea for the times.
I only wish him success on his efforts, if he makes a shit load of cash on the book, so mush the better! IMO. He put a lot of time into what he is doing, and this would be a nice reward from the universe and perhaps some kind of comfort for his loss of family which might in time be restored by his kicking the WT corporation square in the ass. I'm optimistic and hope these proactive people on the internet the best outcome for their efforts using YouTube to expose the WT.
I really don't get all the negativity expressed, I look at him as a fellow apostate and give him kudos. He's doing a lot more than me, and am grateful because I really don't have the emotional energy or the motivation he does I'm 65 and don't have the drive(maybe a low testosterone might be responsible.)
anyone listen to the "special" talk today?
i guess it was given by one of the governing body members and shown at all the halls.
Sorry but I just couldn't resist those WT questions they were so infantile and blatantly dishonest I just couldn't.
w5 on now in canada.
taking about the arc.
and other things.
I think this current Governing Body might be loosing many members over this expose by Canada! Yeah Canada!
I betcha they sell off Toronto bethel to pay off the lawsuits coming!
anyone listen to the "special" talk today?
i guess it was given by one of the governing body members and shown at all the halls.
How does the Organization use the money donated?
(Only scripted, comments please)
Only in the most untransparent ways so nobody not even the government knows because it's hiding behind a religion. A full fledged JW would never question the GB for how they spend the money as that would be a sign of some sort of apostacy. I think this very public announcement should indicate an inspection of finances is dully warrented? I think so all tax exempting governments can use this video as justable cause to investigate, by reason of brain washed abandonment of reasonable inspection of seeing from a detailed perspective and instead just acceptance of leadership.
anyone listen to the "special" talk today?
i guess it was given by one of the governing body members and shown at all the halls.
How has this article helped you?
OMG what a fucking self serving and self assuming question to ask during a WT study. Brain dead logic at it worst.
anyone listen to the "special" talk today?
i guess it was given by one of the governing body members and shown at all the halls.
Holy shit the Watchtower corporation is in serious trouble they have to be to go this new low in bull shit from a delusional group of brain dead idiots that are unashamed of it.